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XII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference

(with international participation)

“Automation systems in education, science and production, 2019”

Russia, Novokuznetsk, November 28-30, 2019

Since 1997 Siberian State Industrial University has been holding bi-annual scientific and practical conference “Automation systems in education, science and production”". Within its framework a professional discussion is organized as well as familiarization of the scientific and industrial community with the latest research results and technological solutions in the field of automation and information systems. The dominating trends are identified and forecasts for the future are justified.


Before July 1, 2019 – get registered for the conference via submission of an application for participation to the organizing committee by E-mail: as2019@sibsiu.ru

Registration is required for the paper publication!

If you do not receive a notification by E-mail about the receipt of the application or your paper it is advised to contact the organizing committee.

From August 1 to October 15, 2019 – consideration of applications, papers review, distribution of invitations.

From October 1 to November 15, 2019 – preparation of conference proceedings, distribution of invitations and conference programm.

November 28, 2019 – arrival of participants, registration, handing out of the conference proceedings.

November 29, 20197 – registration, opening of the conference, plenary discussions, work of the sections. Within the framework of the conference the video conferencing will be organized.

November 30, 2019 – the work of the sections, summing up the results, closing of the conference.


- exchange of experience, highly professional discussion

- promotion of advanced achievements in the field of automation and information systems

Based on the results of the conference 11 volumes of conference proceedings have been published which have made a significant contribution to the promotion of the best practices and achievements of the national automation and information systems.

Every year there is an increasing interest in the conference and the results of its work on the part of foreign scientists, managers, specialized research centers and firms.


Siberian State Industrial University (Novokuznetsk, Russia)


– JSC “EVRAZ Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant”

– LLC “Sinergo Soft Systems”

– JSC “Kuzbass Center of Welding and Control”



Ivushkin А. А. – Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor, Chairman of the board LLC “Consolidated company “Sibshakhtostroy” (Novokuznetsk, Russia).

Vice Chairman:

Burkov V. N. – Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor, Head of the laboratory V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia).

Kulakov S. M. – Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor, Chair of automation and information systems ant SibSIU (Novokuznetsk, Russia).

Myshlyaev L. P. – Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor, Chair of automation and information systems ant SibSIU, Director of R&D Center of Control Systems (Novokuznetsk, Russia).

Novikov D. A. – Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor, Director of V. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia).

Spirin N. A. – Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor, Head of the Chair of thermophysics and computer science in metallurgy USTU-UPI (Ekaterinburg, Russia).

Khomchenko V. G. – Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor, Head of the Chair of automation and robotics OmSTU (Omsk, Russia).

Shyrigin Yu. A. – Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor, Director of the Department of management and strategic development, First Vice-Rector of TUSUR (Tomsk, Russia).



Protopopov E. V. – Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor, Rector of SibSIU (Novokuznetsk)

Vice Chairman:

Kulakov S. M. – Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor, Chair of automation and information systems at SibSIU (Novokuznetsk, Russia), tel.: (3843) 74-88-06; mob. tel.: 8 (903) 942-97-98

Vice Chairman:

Myshlyaev L. P. – Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor, Chair of automation and information systems ant SibSIU, Director of R&D Center of Control Systems (Novokuznetsk, Russia), tel.: (3843) 78-43-44

Scientific Secretary:

Lyakhovets M. V. – Cand. Tech. Sci., Associate Professor, Head of the Chair of automation and information systems at SibSIU (Novokuznetsk, Russia)

Venger K. G. – Cand. Tech. Sci., Director for capital construction and general issues of CJSC “Stroiservis” (Kemerovo, Russia)

Ivushkin А. А. – Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor, Chairman of the board LLC “Consolidated company “Sibshakhtostroy” (Novokuznetsk, Russia)

Krupin E. A. – Head of the Regional center for operation of the Process Control System “Siberia” of LLC “Evraztekhnika” (Novokuznetsk, Russia)

Ostrovlyanchik V. Yu. – Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor, Chair of electrical engineering, electric drive and industrial electronics at SibSIU (Novokuznetsk, Russia)

Pavlova L. D. – Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor, Director of Institute of information technologies and automation systems (Novokuznetsk, Russia)

Temlyantsev M. V., Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovations of SibSIU (Novokuznetsk, Russia)

Technical Secretary:

Salamatin A. S. – Conference IT Manager


– automatic and automated systems for the design of electronic, electromechanical and mechanical products and systems;

– mathematical problems of control theory;

– mathematical modeling of technical systems;

– computer systems supporting scientific research;

– system analysis in conditions of uncertainty and risk. Information technology of system analysis;

– methods and systems of artificial intelligence in support of decision-making;

– methods and systems for the acquisition, presentation, processing and integration of knowledge. Knowledge bases.

Official languages of the conference:

- Russian

- English

Sections of the conference

1. Actual problems of theory and practice of automation.

2. Automation systems for industrial use.

3. Automation and informatization systems for educational purposes.

4. Automation and informatization systems for research purposes.


Аddress of the Organizing Committee: 654007, Russia, Novokuznetsk, 42 Kirova str., Siberian State Industrial University, Chair of automation and information systems, Cand. Tech. Sci., Associate Professor Lyakhovets Mikhail.

Phone: +7(3843) 74-88-06.

Fax:+7(3843) 46-57-92.

E-mail: as2019@sibsiu.ru

Web-site of the Chair of automation and information systems: www.sa.sibsiu.ru


The conference proceeding will be published by the beginning of the conference, indexed in the RSCI database and placed in the e-library http://elibrary.ru/. The volume of the paper: 2-5 pages. The registration fee is 500 rubles for the conference proceeding.

Scientific papers recommended by the editorial board will be published in the open access volume of IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, indexed in the Scopus database and the Web of Science. For the fees, payment procedure and the requirements please contact the Organizing Committee.

Photo Gallery


  • as2023 19.12.2023 (35 фото)
  • as 2022 28.12.2022 (23 фото)
  • as-2021 12.10.2022 (20 фото)

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